Pass Table


The Pass Table Fixture 2V03=V01UQ52 (also known as a holding fixture) allows for the temporary holding of parts during operation.

Major Components

The Pass Table features the following components.

Item Description Function
A Rough Locators Ensures parts are properly loaded onto the pass fixture. They provide a way for the robot to align and place the parts.
B Inductive Sensor Detects the presence or absence of metal objects without making physical contact with them. It works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. When a metal object is brought near the sensor, it disturbs the electromagnetic field produced by the sensor, which in turn causes a change in the sensor output signal.
C I/O Module Manages the inputs and outputs of the cart's control system, sending signals between the cart and the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
D Locating Pin Allow for the accurate and controlled placement of the parts on the pass table. The locating pin goes through a portion of the part on the pallet to help control the location of the part in the fixture.
Major Components