Dust Collector


The Dust Collector is a pollution control equipment used to remove harmful fumes from the work environment. When a laser cuts through material, it generates a significant amount of heat, which vaporizes the material and creates a plume of smoke and dust. This plume can contain various harmful particles, including small metal shavings, fibers, and toxic fumes, which can be hazardous to the health of people working in the area.

The Clean Air America, Inc. B-18 model has it's own Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for soft starting. This unit also has an internal bypass sensor that detects smoke, dust, or other contaminants that bypass the filter, and sends an alert to the system. This unit also has a fire suppression system in case of a fire hazard.

The Dust Collector is located outside of the Laser Cutting Booth at Station 090.

Dust Collector

Major Components

The Dust Collector features the following components.

Item Description Function
A Filter Removes the fumes and ensures the air is clean for the laser cutting operations to continue.
B Fire Bottle Contains fire suppression solution and will smother the fire inside of the dust collection system.
C Display Screen Displays the status and manual controls for the dust collection system.
D Fire Alarm Pull Switch Activates the dust collector’s fire suppression system.
E Emergency Stop Pushbutton Stops all machine motion regardless of position in sequence when pressed.
F Main Electrical Disconnect Switch Supplies or removes power from the dust collection unit.
G Fan and Fan Motor The motor powers the fan that draws in the contaminated air and moves it through the filtration system. The fan creates negative pressure that pulls in the contaminated air and pushes it through a series of filters to trap and remove the dust and other airborne particles. The motor provides the power to drive the fan blades and maintain the necessary airflow velocity and pressure.
H Filter Clamps Hold the filter bags or cartridges in place. These clamps secure the filters to the dust collector housing, creating a seal that prevents unfiltered air from escaping into the workspace.
I Filters Prevents dust and other particles from escaping into the workspace, where they can pose health hazards, create a dirty environment, and potentially damage equipment. As dust-laden air passes through the filters, the particles are trapped by the filter media, and the filtered air is released back into the workspace or vented outside the building. Over time, the accumulation of dust on the filter surface can reduce the efficiency of the dust collector.
J Dust Tray Captures the dust that falls from the filters.
Major Components
Major Components