Operator Display (OD) Screens

Operator Overview Screen

The Overview Screen is used as a Main Screen to select other screen for operating or monitoring the systems. In the center of the screen, the 2V03 Underbody Floor Skin layout is displayed with various status indicators that allow personnel to quickly identify the status of each piece of equipment.

At the top of the screen, there are function buttons that allow for personnel to navigate to other available Main Operator Panel (MOP) screens. From the Navigation Bar, personnel can perform a fault reset, view the status of the Emergency Stop (E-Stop) buttons, Safety Gates, Light (Beams) Screens. The Menu button opens the Operating Mode Screen (Auto, Manual, Dryrun, and Empty Out) and also can navigate to the All Robots Screen, return to the previous screen, view the alarm page, and view the alarm log.

Item Description Function
A Navigation Bar Allows for personnel to quickly identify the status of various devices and navigate to the other available MOP Screens.
B Menu Shortcuts Allows for personnel to quickly access specific screens related to different equipment on the 2V03 Underbody Floor Skin Cell.
C System Layout Displays entire 2V03 Underbody Floor Skin Cell layout.
D Status Indicators Displays the status if the equipment is in the faulted or OK status condition.

Typical Fixture Status Screen

The Typical Fixture Status Screen allows for the operator to quickly identify the status of a Fixture. The Fixture Status Screen features status indicator lights that will inform the operator if a fault has occurred with a specific piece of the fixture.

At the top of the screen, personnel can use the function buttons to navigate to the other screens as required.

Item Description Function
A Navigation Bar Allows for personnel to quickly identify the status of various devices and navigate to the other available Operator Screens.
B Status Indicators Assists personnel in identifying the status of the equipment. If the status indicator light is green, the equipment is operating as intended. If the status indicator light is red, a fault has occurred.

Turntable Status Screen

The Turntable Status Screen allows for the operator to quickly identify the status of a Turntable. The Turntable Status Screen features status indicator lights that will inform the operator if a fault has occurred with a specific piece of the turntable.

At the top of the screen, personnel can use the function buttons to navigate to the other screens as required.

Item Description Function
A Navigation Bar Allows for personnel to quickly identify the status of various devices and navigate to the other available Operator Screens.
B Manual Function button that places the turntable in Manual Mode.
C Status Indicator Assists personnel in identifying the status of equipment positions and timeout information.
D Status Indicators Assists personnel in identifying the status of the equipment. If the status indicator light is green, the equipment is operating as intended. If the status indicator light is red, a fault has occurred.