Laser Cutting End of Arm Tooling


The Laser Cutting End of Arm Tooling (EOAT) made by Laser Mech and is a robotic processing head made up of a collision sensing device and a fiber collimator unit with a double collimating lens to gather the laser light and collimate it after it leaves the fiber optic cable. The laser beam then propagates through the final focusing lens which focuses the laser through the orifice of the gas jet tip. The drive assembly provides the motion system that allows the tip to track the surface of the part and maintain laser focus. The drive system has a total of 25mm of travel and is controlled by a drove system, allowing for a smooth, linear motion.

The tip retainer assembly contains the final focusing lens and a cover lens and a cover glass that protects the lens from any dirt or debris. The lens housing is threaded into the tip assembly. The tip threads into the end of the tip retainer and controls the gas flow to the work piece, while also providing electrical feedback to maintain a constant gap between the tip and the part.

The Laser Cutting EOAT can be found in 2V03=V01AR181.

Major Components

The Laser Cutting End of Arm Tooling (EOAT) features the following components.

Item Description Function
A Purge Gas Lines Remove any residual humidity or moisture out of the system and then seals it to keep the internal cavity moisture-free during its operational life. A gas is used as a purge gas in laser cutting to eliminate oxygen and any other impurities that may alter the ability of the laser to produce a clean uniform cut.
B Water-Cooled Collimator Optical device used to produce a collimated beam of light (beam of light with parallel rays). It works to focus the diverging light emitted by the laser source. Uses a double collimating lens to gather the laser light after it leaves the fiber optic cable.
C Motor-Drive Z-Axis Matches the surface height of the workpiece to the focal length of the laser, ensuring optimal energy density.
D External Focus Lens Adjustment Used to manually make adjustments to the focus lens.
E Shroud Allows quick access to the cover glass drawer for removal and replacement.
Laser Cutting End of Arm Tooling