IPG Photonics Laser Chiller


The laser resonator and laser head at Station 030 require cooling. The chiller unit circulates chilled water through these components to cool them. The chiller looks like an air conditioning unit except their purpose is to cool water and circulate it to the required laser components. There is one (1) chiller unit used for the 2V03 Underbody Floor Skin Cell. The chiller unit includes water lines and a simple control panel.

Major Components

The IPG Photonics Laser Chiller features the following components.

Item Description Function
A Condensers Releases the heat absorbed by the refrigerant in the chiller's evaporator. The condenser is responsible for transferring the heat from the refrigerant to the surrounding air or water.
B Evaporator Absorbs heat from the laser and transferring it to the chiller's refrigerant. The evaporator is responsible for cooling the laser, which generates heat during operation, and then releasing the heat through the chiller's condenser.
C Filter Drier Removes moisture, debris, and other impurities from the refrigerant circulating through the chiller's cooling system. The filter drier removes moisture by passing the refrigerant through a desiccant, which absorbs any moisture in the refrigerant before it enters the compressor.
D Expansion Valve Regulates the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator. It creates a pressure drop in the refrigerant by restricting its flow, causing the refrigerant to expand and evaporate into a gas state as it enters the evaporator.
E Pump Circulates the cooling medium, either water or refrigerant, through the chiller&apaos;s cooling system. The pumps are responsible for maintaining a constant flow of the cooling medium to ensure that the laser remains at a consistent and efficient temperature.
F Sensor B1 & B2 Low water warning and alarm (shut down) sensors.
G Sensor B3 & B4 Low water warning and alarm (shut down) sensors.
H Level Indicators Indicator the current level of the fluid in the tank.
I DI-Cartridge Removes impurities, such as minerals and other contaminants, from the water used in the chiller's cooling system. The DI-Cartridge works by passing the water through a resin-filled cartridge that removes any ions, minerals, or other impurities present in the water. The resin in the DI-Cartridge attracts and removes impurities from the water, leaving it pure and free of contaminants.
J Heaters Prevents the chiller's components, such as the evaporator, from freezing or reaching too low temperatures.