Respot Fixture


The material handler robot 2V03=V01AR12 transfers the part over to the Respot Fixture. The Respot Fixture will secure the part during the required welding operations.

After the welds are completed, the material handler robot will grab the part and transfer it to the next station.

There is one (1) Respot Fixture located at Station 070 in the 2V03 Underbody Floor Skin Cell.

Typical Respot Fixture

Major Components

The Respot Fixture features the following components.

Item Description Function
A Tunkers Clamp Secures the part during the respot welding operations.
B Locating Pin The locating pins on the Respot Fixture allow for the accurate and controlled placement of the parts. When the material handling robot loads the part onto the fixture, the part must have each locating pin inserted into the locating holes.
C Rough Locator To ensure parts are properly loaded onto the Respot Fixture, the Rough Locators provide a way for part to properly be seated.
Major Components